This is a White Man's Government, You will not replace us.
Democracy at risk
White fear over being “replaced” in the United States weakens the democracy because it presupposes who is a “real” American and who is not.
What did this look like in 2020?
The fear that emerges when white power is threatened can result in a violent reaction.
On April 13, 1873 – Easter Sunday – in Colfax, Louisiana, a mob of more than 140 white men attacked the worse-equipped, official militia, which was made entirely of black men.
On January 6, 2021 at the United States Capitol, hundreds of supporters of Donald Trump attacked police officers and attempted to attack elected officials.
Both white mobs – separated by nearly 150 years – were rejecting the results of democratic elections and turned to extreme violence.

History (re)Written: Reverse Victimization
This political cartoon from 1875 is the ultimate outcome of reverse victimization: Black Americans who were being systematically tortured, killed, and stripped of their rights were portrayed as evil and white supremacists were seen as the innocent.
Conservative media did the same after the January 6 insurrection.